Thursday, October 15, 2009


As I sit here listening to Owl City... I remembered something I read today about relying on God. In order for Him to help us any we need to give Him it all. It makes sense... How can anyone fix anything if we don't give them all the parts? I prayed last night for help with finances and I got called today for an interview. Praise God. The more I think about it if I just give it all to Him and just let it go He will cover me. Because everything is His already it's just on loan to us. So why not just give it all to Him and let Him deal with it all. It's time for me to "point my toes to heaven". Blessings to all. Feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. everything is His already it's just on loan to us... so simple, so beautiful, and so often easily forgotten
