Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So here I am a few days away from my very last spring break. It is really weird to think about that I will no longer have "breaks" after I graduate. It will be more or less looking towards holidays and planned vacations. I will also be married soon and finally finished (for now) with school.

It just makes me think about how much I really need time to have rest. I need to pick a day to do nothing but relax and breathe. I need to start this now. I know I have a lot of work but it is no excuse because I should have good time management skills to plan and do work during the week. This way I can have a day to breathe but still get work done.

I still worry about the large amount of work that I have to do though and not having a job to save money for the wedding and honeymoon. But as long as I do God's will, he will take care of me and my soon to be wife. This is in His hands and not mine.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hard Week

This was a hard week. I don't even want to go into details. It was just hard. I'm so tired and it has been filled with some touch things for me to deal with. I'm so tired right now, I'll just leave it with this:

I'm having a hard week. I'm trying to search and hear from you. Please just be with me? I love you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


   I'm trying to read my Bible once everyday because I have realized that I do not know enough about God's Word. So I decided to do a one-year reading plan. It is going well so far and I really like digging into the Bible and reading the stories, letters, poetry and realizing that God is communicating His truths through it all.
   Since it IS February, my fiance and I are doing a Love and Marriage devotional for five days that should end on Valentine's Day. Which should be cool because I want to start doing devotionals with her so that we both grow in God and remember to keep Him at the center of everything we do.
I am also doing a short devotional on marriage for myself. I want to be a good husband a lot and a godly husband more. I cannot say I will be perfect because I am not at all, but I can at least know what type of husband God wants me to be and what the really looks like. What better place to start than His ever living Word.
I am going to try and blog about what I am reading here more often. I think it may help me be more accountable but we will see.

On that note, I'll type up the verse that really stuck out at me today.

"Let your fountain be blessed, and take pleasure in the wife of your youth." Proverbs 5:18

   Don't look at me like you know where my mind is at because it is not there. In context, is part of a passage talking about staying away from girls that are promiscuous and in essence it is saying stay away from having sex with the one that is not your wife. This could be your girlfriend, a prostitute, or someone you are having an affair with. The example of a cistern or well that a man owns is given. You have your own cistern that you know is clean and is your. You wouldn't want the water in your cistern spilling out all over the street for everyone to have would you? The cistern is a man's wife. You wouldn't want your wife out with everyone but you? So you should only want your wife!

    I think in today's age sex isn't taught correctly. Sex outside a marriage is a sin but sex within the marriage is highly encouraged by God. We are too busy trying to stop kids from having sex in general that we are slowly raising up a generation that doesn't understand the desire that God gave them (meaning sexual desires). Some kids I am meeting and talk with in college are actually afraid of sex and have somewhat of a negative view of it which is so wrong and a little disturbing.

   We need to teach our kids that sex is a good thing and teach them that it is a good and beautiful thing within marriage. Outside of marriage it is a sin and it is detrimental to their soul. We need to teach them that sex is God given what we do with sex is where things can be either bad or good, (depending on whether it is in marriage or outside of it.) To teach them that sex is bad and they should not be having it is contrary to how God designed us. To teach them not to have sex until they are with their husband or wife and why with just anyone would be best because it is showing them that God created and made sex and showing them it is not bad, only when it is done outside of what God intended it to be. Guys particularly need to be taught this and they need to be given tools and support because the culture is filled with sex because it sells. They need to be taught how to deal with temptation, and desires that they have. (I am also seeing that the focus is shifting towards girls as well. If we are not careful to teach girls the same principles and give them them tools and support they need, we will see whole generations with very serious sexual dysfunctions on both sides of the gender line.

A sex drive isn't bad unless you decide to go offroading with it. That is off the road God created for it.

I'm not claiming to have all the answer or even the answers to the things that need to be done. I just know that they need to be accomplished or else generations that are coming up, are going to be dealing a lot more with problems involving sex.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I've been wrestling with life, God, His Word, and everything else lately. I feel I should write it down so I can get a better handle on what is going through my mind and maybe so I can vent a little and get it all out of system. 
I'm really trying to understand and trust God but it is so hard when I feel the need to control or that some situations are just out of my control and people just can't understand that. I hope, if anything, if anyone reads this that it helps them and if no one does it will at least help me hash things out.